Monday, March 22, 2010

Well, it's been a while since I have posted.....things have been a little crazy, but I must say my personal goal to 'be good to myself' is paying off....31 pounds later to date, and I feel much better!
It's heading into a very difficult time of year for me, as the first anniversary of my precious sons death is around the corner.....I can do this, I have a wonderful husband and friends who are right there beside me....
Going to be posting some great recipes this week....will be trying some new things out! Just a note, go to the store and ask your fish monger for Basa (pagnasius) fish....I will be posting a recipe for AMAZING lettuce wrap tacos that I can promise you 1) you will not know it is fish and 2) you will never miss the tortilla!
Much loves for now!


  1. I can't imagine how hard this is going to be. I know you have been on my mind.

  2. ((hugs)) I look forward to your recipe!
