Saturday, May 1, 2010

o/k....this is not so much a a new found belief.....
first of is late, and I have spent most of the night talking with my husband about this....what I am about to post may offend many of my friends....please don't think any less of me....please respect me as someone who is always looking for higher beliefs, higher guidance, and always a way to be a good person.......
First of all, everyone who knows me I was raised at the 'hand of God' the Baptist law, went to Baylor, baptized in the church.......I DO believe in God, I do believe that if you do not live a good life there is consequence......however......
When Clinton passed away....there were many things that me, Todd, his sister, and his friends.....which made us believe that he was with us....Now, if we stick to conventional belief that when we die we go to Heaven or Hell, that would not be possible, but, there are a few of us, who have, without a doubt, felt Clinton's presense...
I have started to feel as though every thing I have known in my life is challenged.....I have started to believe. as do many religions - I might add - that there is a greater force of good and evil - and EnERGY -
After many months of prayer and thought, I truly believe that we all contain energy - that is why PRAYER WORKS!!!!! There is a GREATER BEING!!!!! and he helps focus the energy - so when we all pray for a friends family member, all that energy is focused in that direction - even scientist can't is REAL - and when a group of people focus their energy in one direction, things are CERTAIN to happen!!!!!!!!
So, in this first writing, please know that I am not saying I do or don't believe in anything, except for this.....we all have the power, whether we are here or not, to determine how and where we send our energy.....make sure yours goes to something good.....