Saturday, February 6, 2010

o/k....back a little before tomorrow....we might as well get started with some actual tips on my program....Remember, this is not a program just to LOSE weight, but also to increase your muscle mass and decrease your body fat percent....
Start by boiling 6 will need these for snacks and breakfast on some days....Now, with boiled eggs, you can only eat the whites...if you have dogs, they will love you if you give them the yolks! ALso, boil 3 chicken breasts and keep them in the fridge....boneless/skinless, of course
The typical day for the first week should go as follows:
Breakfast - this is NOT negotiable....I have NEVER been a breakfast eater, however, eating in the mornning gets your metabolism going, and starts burning fat....if there is nothing in your stomach, your body will start eating muscle, which you maybe not overweight, but you will become 'flabby skinny'.....
so, 'nuf with the lecture....each morning, either eat 1 package of the Oatmeal I recomended in an earlier post, or the whites of two boiled eggs. Also, take a chromium supplement.....eating either one of these takes about 5 minutes, including prep or peel time....if you don't do this step, the rest really doesn'y matter....
Lunch - there are a few options...don't let "I'm too busy" be your excuse....with a well prepped fridge, lunch will take about 10 minutes, even with prep....
take a can of tuna, 8 saltines, and tabasco (if you like it!) eat the dry tuna on crackers, with a dash of tabasco...or....keep luch meats in your fridge, grab a couple of slices and a string cheese or 1 inch square of cheese....the most fat important HAVE to eat to keep the FAT burning and the MUSCLE increasing!
o/k, tune in tomorrow for more lunch, a needed snack, and dinner tips!

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