Friday, February 5, 2010

first steps to my weight loss program

By popular demand, here is the first steps....
I want to say first of all, please monitor your health and check with your doctor before starting any modified diet or excercise plan....whew, that gets me out of any trouble!
O/k, first of all, this is a low-carb diet, but it isn't a traditional low-carb diet....the truth I learned from a trainer I worked with at a health club a few years ago in Odessa explained it best....basically, if you eat the carbs the food pyramid whave you eat, you would have to engage in approx. 2 hours of cardio a day....the truth is, most of us don't....

The first thing you need to do is prepare yourself that you will not be eating potatoes, rice or flour....or bread! I did this for years, but fell 'off the wagon' a few years ago.... Once you hit a weight and muscle mass you are happy with, you can of course have these things once in a while, you will just have to compensate in another way.... As a rule, eating a hamburger with the bun and an order of fries combines all the bad...fat, carb overload (bad carbs at that), and too many have to give in on at least one of these on every meal....

You will need a couple of things to make this work....I am a very firm believer that most of us in our busy lives will not be able to make time to go to the gym every day, or even take that walk around the neighborhood....however, with just a few tools you can take 15 - 30 minutes at home almost anytime.....and one of the keys to this is every's a lifestyle change....
Get a 'yoga' ball (Target has one that includes DVD's and an excercise band that you will need for around $20)....also get a weight ball, 6 pounds is a good weight..... If you have a treadmill, that will make this go much faster....I found mine on Craigslist for $75 from someone who was moving.....
O/k.....going to go over a grocery list and then more tomorrow....
dozen eggs
Quaker Oatmeal (the fruit and cream single packs are the best - DO NOT get the maple and brown sugar single packs)
Chicken breast
cheese (not american slices, but cheddar, colby)
boneless center cut pork chops
green beans
get yourself some Breyers carb smart ice cream!

This is the week one grocery list....happy shopping....more tomorrow!

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